Ten Interesting Facts On How Mood Affects Our Fashion Style

 Why do we just wake up and do what we do with how we dress? How do persistent feelings associated with evaluative and cognitive states affect our actions to fashion?

When you see someone wear a round neck and jeans on a cold weather day, your instincts tell you something is wrong because you know it’s the wrong dress for the weather. Or when you see someone wear, a white ‘gele’ head tie or ‘fila’ cap with native wear to an occasion where the dress code is basically English dress, then you know two things must have played a part in that, and that is either they got the wrong information, or it was intentional because of how they want to feel about themselves ‘MOOD’.


Mood and fashion are closely linked. It is often said that the way we dress reflects our mood. Here are ten interesting facts about how our mood plays a big part in our daily fashion or dressing:

1.   1.Emotions: This can influence the choices we make when it comes to fashion. When we feel happy, we are likelier to choose bright and colourful clothes. On the other hand, when we are feeling down, we may go for darker colours and more subdued styles.

2. Mood can affect our fashion choices subconsciously: We may not always be aware of how our mood is influencing our fashion choices. A study shows that our subconscious mind can play a big role in the way we dress. For example, we may choose to wear a certain colour or style of clothing without even realizing that it is because of our current mood.

3. Our mood can change throughout the day: Our mood can change multiple times throughout the day, and this can affect the way we dress. For example, we may start the day feeling energetic and choose bright colours, but as the day goes on, our mood may shift to something more subdued, and we may choose darker colours.

4. Fashion can also affect our mood: While our mood can influence our fashion choices, the reverse is also true. The clothes we wear can impact the way we feel. For example, wearing bright colours can make us feel happier while wearing comfortable clothes can make us feel more relaxed.

5. Different cultures have different fashion trends based on mood: Different cultures have different fashion trends, and these trends can be influenced by the mood of society. For example, during times of economic downturn, fashion trends tend to be more subdued and practical, while during times of prosperity, fashion trends tend to be more extravagant and flamboyant.

6. Mood can influence the type of accessories we choose: Our mood can also influence the type of accessories we choose. When we are feeling happy and energetic, we may choose bold and flashy accessories, while when we are feeling more subdued, we may choose more understated and classic accessories.

7. Our mood can affect the way we perceive ourselves: Our mood can also affect the way we perceive ourselves, which can, in turn, affect the way we dress. When we are feeling confident and positive, we may choose clothes that make us feel empowered and strong. On the other hand, when we are feeling insecure, we may choose clothes that are more modest and understated.

8. Mood can influence the way we dress for different occasions: A study shows that our mood can also influence the way we dress for different occasions and even daily. For example, when we are feeling confident and outgoing, we may choose bold and daring outfits for a night out, while when we are feeling more reserved, we may choose more conservative clothes.

9. Our mood can affect the way we dress for work: Our mood can also influence the way we dress for work. When we are feeling confident and empowered, we may choose more assertive and bold outfits for the workplace, while when we are feeling more subdued, we may choose more conservative and understated clothes.

10. Our mood can change our fashion preferences over time: Finally, our mood can also change our fashion preferences over time. As we grow and evolve as individuals, our moods and emotions can shift, and this can lead to changes in our fashion choices. For example, as we become more confident and self-assured, we may become more comfortable experimenting with bold and daring fashion choices.


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